California Insurance Code Sections 1749.3 and 10234.93
California Insurance Code Section 1749.3
An individual licensed as a life-only agent or an accident and health agent and also licensed as a property or casualty broker-agent, or an individual only licensed as a property or casualty broker-agent, shall complete those courses, programs of instruction, or seminars approved by the commissioner for the type of license held. Completion of specified product training required in subdivision (d) of Section 1749.33, subdivision (b) of Section 1749.8, and paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 10234.93 may result in the completion of more than the minimum of required continuing education hours. The minimum number of hours required is as follows:
(a) Any licensee, as specified in this section, shall satisfactorily complete 24 hours of instruction prior to renewal of the license. These hours of instruction may be completed at any time prior to renewal of the license.
(b) An individual licensed as a property broker-agent or casualty broker-agent and as a life-only agent or an accident and health agent shall satisfy the requirements of this section by demonstrating completion of the courses, programs of instruction, or seminars approved by the commissioner for any of the license types listed in this section.
(c) A licensee shall not be required to comply with the requirements of this article if the licensee submits proof satisfactory to the commissioner that he or she has been a licensee in good standing for 30 continuous years in this state and is 70 years of age or older. This exemption shall not apply to those individuals licensed for the first time on or after January 1, 2010.
California Insurance Code Section 10234.93
(1) Establish marketing procedures to ensure that any comparison of policies by its agents or other producers will be fair and accurate.
(2) Establish marketing procedures to ensure excessive insurance is not sold or issued.
(3) Submit to the commissioner within six months of the effective date of this act, a list of all agents or other insurer representatives authorized to solicit individual consumers for the sale of long-term care insurance. These submissions shall be updated at least semiannually.
(4) Provide the following training and require that each agent or other insurer representative authorized to solicit individual consumers for the sale of long-term care insurance shall satisfactorily complete the following training requirements that, for resident licensees, shall count toward the licensee’s continuing education requirement, but may still result in completing more than the minimum number of continuing education hours set forth in this section:
(A) For licensees issued a license after January 1, 1992, eight hours of training in each of the first four 12-month periods beginning from the date of original license issuance and thereafter eight hours of training prior to each license renewal.
(B) For licensees issued a license before January 1, 1992, eight hours of training prior to each license renewal.
(C) For nonresident licensees that are not otherwise subject to the continuing education requirements set forth in Section 1749.3, the evidence of training required by this section shall be filed with and approved by the commissioner as provided in subdivision (g) of Section 1749.4.
Licensees shall complete the initial training requirements of this section prior to being authorized to solicit individual consumers for the sale of long-term care insurance.
The training required by this section shall consist of topics related to long-term care services and long-term care insurance, including, but not limited to, California regulations and requirements, available long-term care services and facilities, changes or improvements in services or facilities, and alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance. On or before July 1, 1998, the following additional training topics shall be required: differences in eligibility for benefits and tax treatment between policies intended to be federally qualified and those not intended to be federally qualified, the effect of inflation in eroding the value of benefits and the importance of inflation protection, and NAIC consumer suitability standards and guidelines.
(5) Display prominently on page one of the policy or certificate and the outline of coverage: “Notice to buyer: This policy may not cover all of the costs associated with long-term care incurred by the buyer during the period of coverage. The buyer is advised to review carefully all policy limitations.”
(6) Inquire and otherwise make every reasonable effort to identify whether a prospective applicant or enrollee for long-term care insurance already has accident and sickness or long-term care insurance and the types and amounts of any such insurance.
(7) Every insurer or entity marketing long-term care insurance shall establish auditable procedures for verifying compliance with this subdivision.
(8) Every insurer shall provide to a prospective applicant, at the time of solicitation, written notice that the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) provides health insurance counseling to senior California residents free of charge. Every agent shall provide the name, address, and telephone number of the local HICAP program and the statewide HICAP number, 1-800-434-0222.
(9) Provide a copy of the long-term care insurance shoppers guide developed by the California Department of Aging to each prospective applicant prior to the presentation of an application or enrollment form for insurance.
(10) Clearly post on its Internet Web site and provide written notice at the time of solicitation that a specimen individual policy form or group master policy and certificate form for each policy form offered in this state is available to a prospective applicant upon request. The individual specimen policy form or group master policy and certificate form shall be provided to a requesting party within 15 calendar days of receipt of a request.
(b) In addition to other unfair trade practices, including those identified in this code, the following acts and practices are prohibited:
(1) Twisting. Knowingly making any misleading representation, incomplete, or fraudulent comparison of any insurance policies or insurers for the purpose of inducing, or tending to induce, any person to lapse, forfeit, surrender, terminate, retain, pledge, assign, borrow on, or convert any insurance policy or to take out a policy of insurance with another insurer.
(2) High pressure tactics. Using any method of marketing having the effect of or tending to induce the purchase of insurance through force, fright, threat, whether explicit or implied, or undue pressure to purchase or recommend the purchase of insurance.
(3) Cold lead advertising. Making use directly or indirectly of any method of marketing that fails to disclose in a conspicuous manner that a purpose of the method of marketing is solicitation of insurance and that contact will be made by an insurance agent or insurance company.
General Licensing Information
- Annuity Training
- Certificate of License Status
- Continuing Education
- Duplicate License
- License Changes
- Licensing Fees
- Long-Term Care
- Nonresident
- Prelicensing Education Certificate of Completion
- Renewal
- Variable Contract Authority
Education Providers
If you need further assistance, please call the California Department of Insurance's (CDI) Licensing Hotline at (800) 967-9331 or send an e-mail to Producer Licensing Bureau. Please be sure to include your name, telephone number, license number and e-mail address in all correspondence with the CDI.