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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

License Changes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I inform the Department of my address change?

The Department uses an online address change service. The service is available to both resident and nonresident insurance producer licensees using Sircon's Change an Individual Address, Name or Email Address. Use this link for Sircon's Change an Individual Address, Name or Email Address. This service cannot be used if you are changing resident states (residential address to another state). If you are changing your resident state, you must file the Change of Address Form (LIC 447-7)*.

I'm moving to another state. Do I need to request a clearance letter from the California Department of Insurance?

A clearance letter may be required in other states. Please contact the state you are moving to and confirm if a clearance letter is required. If you request a clearance letter, this request cancels your license in California. If you need a clearance letter, you must submit a Clearance Letter Request form (LIC-074), form LIC-074. There is a fee of $32 for each clearance letter requested. You will need to send your request to Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 1139, Sacramento CA 95812-1139. Please allow one to two weeks for issuance of the clearance letter.

If you are not required to submit a clearance letter, the state you are moving to may request that your California resident license be cancelled. In order to do so, please submit a License Cancellation Request,(LIC CC2)

Once you have moved from California and become licensed as a resident in another state, you may request your California resident license to be changed to a California non-resident license. Please submit a completed Change of Address form LIC 447-7, signed by you the licensee, within 30 days of canceling your California resident license. If you wait more than 30 days, you may need to complete a non-resident application and pay the appropriate licensing fees.

How do I cancel or surrender my license?

To cancel or surrender your license complete the License Cancellation Request form (LIC CC2). Follow the submission instructions on the form. Please allow seven to ten business days for processing.

How do I notify the California Department of Insurance of my name change?

To change the name on your license, submit a completed Name Change Request (LIC 075)  and a form of government documentation showing your new name (i.e. copy of social security card, driver's license, or marriage certificate). Follow the submission instructions on the form. Please allow seven to ten business days for processing.

How do I inform the California Department of Insurance that I represent a new insurance company or that I no longer represent an insurance company?

The new insurance company must submit an Action Notice of Appointment form, (LIC 447-54A)* and fee of $32. The prior company may submit an Action Notice of Termination, form (LIC 447-54T)* and fee of $32 to terminate your appointment; or you may self terminate your appointment by completing the Agent Notice of Termination form (LIC 447-69)*, and submitting a fee of $32.

I have authority to act as a solicitor and would like to obtain authority to act as an agent or a broker; what is the procedure?

Your solicitor appointment as a Property, Casualty or Personal Lines agent must first be terminated either by you or the employer. The employer should complete a Solicitor Action Notice form (LIC 417-31)* and submit a fee of $32. To self terminate your appointment, you may complete a Solicitor Self Termination Notice, form (LIC 417-32)* and submit $32. After the solicitor termination is effective, an Action Notice of Appointment, form (LIC 417-5)* in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) must be filed with the California Department of Insurance before insurance broker authority can be granted.

*These forms are in PDF format. To view these forms, your browser must have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. A free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Document Readers page.

The licensee is now deceased; can the surviving estate continue the insurance business under the issued license of the decedent?

Calif. Ins. Code 1710 states all licenses issued to natural persons terminate upon the death of such person. An executor/administrator/conservator of the estate, or surviving spouse or heir of a deceased licensee, can submit a signed and dated letter requesting the license cancellation of the deceased license. The letter must include the licensee’s full name, license number, the “reason” for the cancellation and the letter must include a certified copy of the licensee’s Certificate of Death. The effective date of the license cancellation is the date the licensee had deceased and not the request date on the letter. Information on how an executor/administrator/conservator of the estate, or surviving spouse or heir of a deceased licensee to apply for an Estate Certificate of convenience, form 441-10.

Certificates of Conveniance are issued to survivors and surviving estates by approval from the California Department of Insurance that is regulated under Calif. Ins. Code 1685- 1698. The privledges granted are for the disposal of existing insurance business of the licensed decedent for a term of one calendar year following the death of the decedent which the certificate will then expire and cannot be renewed for another term.

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If you need further assistance, please call the California Department of Insurance's (CDI) Licensing Hotline at (800) 967-9331 or send an e-mail to Producer Licensing Bureau. Please be sure to include your name, telephone number, license number and e-mail address in all correspondence with the CDI.