E-mail Inquiry Services
You have chosen to contact the Department of Insurance's Producer Licensing Bureau by e-mail. The Department's website can provide answers to many of your licensing questions. Our section on the most commonly asked questions located in our License Questions and Answers may also be a helpful tool. Links to many new services and necessary forms can also be found on this site. If you have reviewed our website and still cannot find the answer to your inquiry, carefully read the following information and submit your e-mail request.
Address Change:
If you have come to this site for information on how to change an address, you may now go directly to Sircon's Change an Individual Address, Name or Email Address link. The contact information is updated immediately in the Producer Licensing Bureau's (PLB) database. There is no fee to change contact information. The current wait for a change of address submitted by standard mail takes an average of one month to be reflected in the licensee's record.
Email Address Search Report for use by Insurers and Business Entities:
To assist insurers and insurance agencies in monitoring their agents' compliance with the notice of change of email address requirement, the California Department of Insurance (CDI) developed an Email Address Search Report which lists all of the agents that are either appointed by the insurer or endorsed by the agency that do not have an email address on file with CDI. There is no cost to use this service.
If you have come to this site because you did not receive a license renewal notice you may go directly to Sircon's Renew or Reinstate a License. The online renewal service will assist the licensee in completing the renewal application accurately to ensure that all required information is included before sending the renewal electronically to the CDI. This avoids many unnecessary delays. Licenses renewed using this service will receive an email notification that states the individual's license is renewed. Agents and brokers who submit incomplete renewal applications by standard mail may not receive confirmation of their renewed license in a timely manner after submitting the application to the CDI.
If you have come to this site because you have submitted documents and/or fees, and you are checking on the status, go to Weekly Processing Status. This link will provide you with the dates that applications and renewals are being processed. The cashier date indicated on the status report is the approximate date that your check has cleared your financial institution. You can then apply your cashier information to the timeline on the status report to get an approximate timeline for when your document(s) may be processed.
For all other inquiries, please note that your name, e-mail address (where you want our response to be sent), telephone number (should we need to contact you to clarify any point of your inquiry), and a detailed explanation of your concern, are mandatory fields. If these fields are not filled in, your e-mail will not be delivered to us for processing. The more information you can provide, the more accurately and quickly we can answer your questions. To submit your inquiry to the department e-mail Request for Licensing Information.
If you have any questions about this form or the license information you retrieved, please call the CDI's Licensing Hotline at (800) 967-9331. The Licensing Hotline is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., excluding State Holidays. Please be sure to include your name, telephone number, license number and e-mail address in all correspondence with the CDI.
Please Note: The Producer Licensing Bureau cannot respond to emails that are encrypted.