Commissioner Lara Announces Appointments to the WCIRB Governing Committee
News: 2023 Press Release
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara today announced two reappointments to the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s (WCIRB) Governing Committee to help drive forward the California Department of Insurance’s mission to protect consumers.
“I am very pleased to announce these appointments to the WCIRB Governing Committee for another two-year term,” said Commissioner Lara. “Their continued dedication is invaluable to the work of the Committee, ensuring we have the necessary policies in place for the protection of injured workers and businesses across the state.”
The WCIRB Governing Committee sets policy, oversees WCIRB management, and reviews all issues involving pure premium rates, classifications, rating plans, rating systems, manual rules and policy, and endorsement forms. The WCIRB is a private organization licensed by the Department for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and compiling rating data, with funding coming from assessments of its insurance company members. All workers’ compensation insurance companies in California are required by law to be members of the WCIRB.
The next WCIRB Governing Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. More details are available at These positions are uncompensated.
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Media Notes:
WCIRB appointed members:
Diana Rich is Director of Risk Management for Foundation Building Materials, LLC where she is responsible for risk management and claims for the $5.1 billion private company with more than 275 locations in 43 states. She also serves as Principal for Clark Enterprise Partners which delivers risk management and workers’ compensation expertise to a variety of clients with a focus on claim resolution. Additionally, Rich is an active member of the Orange County Chapter of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Board of Directors, serving the local risk management community. Rich will continue to serve as an insured employer representative with a term ending on April 14, 2025.
Mitch Steiger is a Legislative Advocate for the California Labor Federation, which is made up of more than 1,200 unions representing 2.1 million union members. Steiger represents the Labor Federation on the
Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation (CHSWC), the Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee, the Worker Occupational Safety & Health Training Education Program (WOSHTEP) Advisory Committee, and he is a member of the Pacific Media Workers Guild Local 39521. Steiger will continue to serve as an organized labor representative with a term ending on April 14, 2025.
Led by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, the California Department of Insurance is the consumer protection agency for the nation's largest insurance marketplace and safeguards all of the state’s consumers by fairly regulating the insurance industry. Under the Commissioner’s direction, the Department uses its authority to protect Californians from insurance rates that are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory, oversee insurer solvency to pay claims, set standards for agents and broker licensing, perform market conduct reviews of insurance companies, resolve consumer complaints, and investigate and prosecute insurance fraud. Consumers are urged to call 1-800-927-4357 with any questions or contact us at via webform or online chat. Non-media inquiries should be directed to the Consumer Hotline at 800-927-4357. Teletypewriter (TTY), please dial 800-482-4833.