Application Procedures-Business Entity Non-Residents
License Information
Please follow the steps noted below to file for a business entity license:
Step 1 – Submit a business entity license application online at Sircon, NIPR, or as a paper application using Form LIC CDI-181.
Step 2 - Public Insurance Adjuster Authorization Application: Submit a Public Insurance Adjuster Authorization Application, Form LIC 0100A, for each person who is employed by a licensed public adjuster. All persons acting as a public insurance adjuster must be licensed as either a public insurance adjuster or an apprentice public insurance adjuster.
Step 3 – Fees:
- License filing fee – two year term: $264
- Branch Office Certificate: $39
All filing fees submitted are not refundable, whether or not the application is acted upon. (Section 1751.5 of the California Insurance Code)
Step 4 - Bond: Complete a Bond of Public Insurance Adjuster, form LIC 94A, in the penal sum of $20,000, by a California admitted surety, in the name of the applicant and signed by the applicant authorizing the person to act as a public insurance adjuster.
Step 5 – Branch Office Certificate: If the applicant intends to conduct business from any location other than their principal place of business, a Branch Office Certificate must be obtained by submitting an Application for Branch Office Certificate, form LIC 31A-13, which includes a $39 filing fee.
Step 6 - Contract: Pursuant to Section 15027 of the California Insurance Code (CIC), no licensee shall, directly or indirectly, act within this state as a public insurance adjuster without having first entered into a business contract, in writing, on a form approved by the insurance commissioner and executed in duplicate by the public adjuster and the insured or a duly authorized representative. One original contract shall be kept on file by the licensee, available at all times for inspection, without notice, by the commissioner or his or her duly authorized representative, and one original contract shall be given to the insured.
CDI has provided a New [sign] sample contract for Public Insurance Adjusters to follow when developing their business contract. Please submit a new or revised business contract to the following address: California Department of Insurance, Attention: Adjuster Unit; 300 Capitol Mall, 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814-4313. Using the sample contract will satisfy the requirements of Section 15027 of the CIC although the applicant or licensee is not required to use the sample contract. However, all contract forms must meet the requirements of CIC Section 15027 and must be approved by the CDI's legal division prior to use. Consequently, following the sample contract should expedite the approval process.
Note: Pursuant to Section 15027(v) of the CIC prior to the signing of the contract, the licensee shall provide the insured with a separate printed disclosure document that bears the name and license number of the licensee.
Additional Documents:
The Insurance Commissioner may require such documents as will aid in determining whether the applicant meets the qualifications for a license.
For specific questions regarding this license, please e-mail the Producer Licensing Bureau at Producer Licensing Bureau e-Mail or call the CDI's Licensing Hotline at (800) 967-9331. Please be sure to include your name, telephone number, license number and e-mail address in all correspondence with the CDI.