LASLI Carriers
LASLI (the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers) of is a voluntary list of Non-admitted insurers that the California Department of Insurance ("CDI") has approved for use by surplus line brokers.
What brokers should know about LASLI carriers:
- CDI's LASLI list is an optional listing brokers may rely upon for preapproved carriers
- California capitalization levels apply and quality of assets are pre-reviewed
- Officer and director backgrounds are pre-reviewed
- The LASLI list is updated and is posted on the CDI and SLA websites.
How To Apply for The LASLI / How to File LASLI Annual Renewals / How to File LASLI Updates:
- LASLI Filing Requirements Guide to learn how to apply for the LASLI, how to file LASLI annual renewals and how to file LASLI updates.
- Original LASLI applications, annual renewals and updates may now be made electronically through the LASLI portal