Consumer Services Division
The Consumer Services Division (CSD) is a member of the Consumer Services and Market Conduct Branch of the California Department of Insurance (CDI). CSD is responsible for gathering and responding to consumer inquiries and complaints regarding insurance company or producer activities. The goal of CSD is primarily to protect California insurance consumers through enforcement of the California Insurance Code and related laws and regulations.
CSD maintains four separate bureaus: Consumer Communications Bureau, Claims Services Bureau, Health Claims Bureau, and Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau.
Consumer Communications Bureau
The Consumer Communications Bureau (also known as the Hotline) is responsible for managing the CDI toll-free telephone line 1-800-927-4357 (HELP), resolving consumer complaints that are time-sensitive in nature, administering the Department's Residential Property, Earthquake Claims and Automobile Physical Damage Mediation Program, responding to inquiries received through the Department's Web site, and assisting consumers at the public counter.
Claims Services Bureau
The Claims Services Bureau is responsible for investigating claims-related complaints and claim handling practices, other than health insurance.
Health Claims Bureau
The Health Claims Bureau is responsible for investigating complaints regarding the handling of a claim by health insurance companies. The Bureau also administers the Independent Medical Review (IMR) Program.
Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau
The Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau is responsible for investigating all consumer rate and underwriting complaints.