Advisory - Commissioner Jones hosts Santa Barbara insurance claims workshop
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Commissioner Jones is hosting a free insurance claims workshop for Santa Barbara County and Montecito area residents affected by mudslides and wildfires to ensure they are aware of the resources available during the rebuilding and recovery process. CDI representatives are available to speak one-on-one with residents to address specific insurance needs, and to answer mudslide or mudflow insurance questions. The claims workshop will open with remarks from Commissioner Jones.
WHO: California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones
WHEN: Saturday February 3, 2018
4 p.m.
WHERE: Santa Barbara City College – West Campus
Fe Bland Forum – Business Communication Building
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
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Media Notes:
- Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones is available for media interviews after 4:30 p.m. On-site contact is Allison Castro, mobile # 916-698-4139.
- Insurance Claims Workshop Invitation
- Consumers who want to make a one-on-one appointment, should contact CDI's Hotline at 1-800-927-4357. Walk-ins will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- The consumer assistance process is confidential. Media are asked not to record CDI representatives while they meet with consumers.