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CA Department of Insurance

Commissioner Lara appoints new member to California Long Term Care Insurance Task Force and makes reappointments to Curriculum Board and Insurance Diversity Task Force

News: 2023 Press Release

For Release: March 3, 2023
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Commissioner Lara appoints new member to California Long Term Care Insurance Task Force and makes reappointments to Curriculum Board and Insurance Diversity Task Force

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara today announced several appointments to help drive forward the California Department of Insurance’s mission to protect consumers. These appointments include naming Lydia Missaelides as the newest member to the California Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance Task Force and reappointing Jesse Dogillo as a member of the Curriculum Board and Dr. Fabiola Cobarrubias as a member of the Insurance Diversity Task Force.

“I am very pleased to announce this appointment to the California Long Term Care Insurance Task Force," and these reappointments to the Curriculum Board and Insurance Diversity Task Force,,” said Commissioner Lara. “ I am confident that my appointees are ready to get to work and provide their advice and diverse perspectives on how we can continue to protect consumers and ensure a healthy and diverse insurance industry in California.”

Created by the Governor’s signing of AB 567, the LTC Insurance Task Force, under Commissioner Lara’s leadership, is exploring how a statewide long-term care insurance program could be designed help cover the cost of long-term care services for those who experience functional or cognitive disability. On December 22, 2022, the Task Force submitted a feasibility report to the Insurance Commissioner, the State Legislature, and the Governor with recommended options for a statewide long-term care insurance program design. Over the coming months, to ensure an adequate benefit within a solvent program, the Task Force will monitor the creation of an actuarial report prepared by Oliver Wyman, which will analyze and approximate the costs of each of the program design options contained in the completed feasibility report. If the Task Force approves the final actuarial report, it will be submitted to the Legislature by January 1, 2024.

The Curriculum Board oversees the development of pre-licensing and continuing education curriculum for agents and brokers to uphold professional standards that protect consumers. This includes a list of preapproved courses of study as well as courses of study for professional designations. The Board also develops standards for providers and instructors who offer courses and other training to licensed agents and brokers. 

The Insurance Diversity Task Force oversees the Department’s Insurance Diversity Initiative, which encourages insurers to increase procurement contracts with diverse business owners, such as woman-owned, veteran-/disabled veteran-owned, historically disadvantaged community-owned, or LGBTQ+-owned businesses, as well as advance diversity of insurance company corporate boards. The Task Force makes recommendations to the Insurance Commissioner regarding innovative ways to increase diversity within the insurance industry.

The next LTC Insurance Task Force meeting will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2023. The next Curriculum Board meeting will be held on Thursday, June 15, 2023 and the next Insurance Diversity Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. More details are available at All positions are uncompensated.

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Media Notes:

Appointed members include:

LTC Insurance Task Force:

Lydia Missaelides is interim Executive Director of California Association for Adult Day Services (CAADS) and Executive Director for the Alliance for Leadership and Education. Missaelides has 35 years of experience working in the field of aging and disability and long term care services and supports public policy and program development with a focus on adult day services, care coordination, and Medicaid managed care. She was a member of the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging Subcommittee on Long Term Services and Supports, as well as a current member of the California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary’s Olmstead Committee, the California Collaborative for Long Term Services and Supports, and the California Aging and Disability Alliance. Missaelides has been appointed to the LTC Insurance Task Force in the adult day service providers representative seat. This term has no end date.

Curriculum Board:

Jesse Dogillo is Principal and Founder of the Bay Area Financial Advisers, which provides planning, counseling, and financial services to individuals and small business owners in Silicon Valley. Dogillo provides expert witness litigation support and consulting, including financial counseling and education services to current U.S. military service members through the U.S. Secretary of Defense. He also teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz as a Risk Management/Insurance Instructor. Dogillo serves as National President-Elect of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, is a Past President of the Santa Clara County Estate Planning Council, and past Chapter President of the Asian American Financial & Insurance Professional Association (Northern California Chapter). Dogillo has been reappointed to the Curriculum Board in the life agent representative seat with a term ending on March 3, 2026.

Insurance Diversity Task Force:

Dr. Fabiola Cobarrubias is the Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Inpatient Medical Group, an independent medical group that provides hospitalist and specialist services in the Bay Area. She currently serves as a director on the board of ProAssurance Corporation, a property and casualty insurance company focused on professional liability and workers’ compensation. Dr. Cobarrubias previously served as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and Governance Committee Chair for NORCAL Group, a national medical professional liability carrier, and as Chair of the Board of Directors of Brown and Toland Physicians. She completed a Governance Fellowship of the National Association of Corporate Directors and is a member of the Latino Corporate Directors Association. Dr. Cobarrubias has been reappointed to the Task Force as an insurance industry representative with expertise in governing board diversity, with a term ending March 3, 2025.

Led by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, the California Department of Insurance is the consumer protection agency for the nation's largest insurance marketplace and safeguards all of the state’s consumers by fairly regulating the insurance industry. Under the Commissioner’s direction, the Department uses its authority to protect Californians from insurance rates that are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory, oversee insurer solvency to pay claims, set standards for agents and broker licensing, perform market conduct reviews of insurance companies, resolve consumer complaints, and investigate and prosecute insurance fraud. Consumers are urged to call 1-800-927-4357 with any questions or contact us at via webform or online chat. Non-media inquiries should be directed to the Consumer Hotline at 800-927-4357. Teletypewriter (TTY), please dial 800-482-4833.