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CA Department of Insurance

Bakersfield health care biller charged for alleged insurance fraud

News: 2020 Press Release

For Release: October 6, 2020
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Bakersfield health care biller charged for alleged insurance fraud

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Health care biller Joycelyn Barnes Gallatin, 44, was arrested on multiple felony counts of insurance fraud and one count of misdemeanor theft for allegedly submitting numerous fraudulent claims in an attempt to receive undeserved insurance payouts.

An investigation by the Department of Insurance revealed Gallatin purchased an AFLAC Cancer Indemnity Insurance policy through her employer, Healthcare Billing Incorporated, located in Bakersfield. The single-parent family policy provided coverage for Gallatin and her seven dependent children. Gallatin’s spouse was not covered under the policy. 

The policy Gallatin purchased promise to pay $75 per dependent per calendar year when a policyholder receives one of the following: mammograms, breast ultrasounds, breast MRI’s, CA15-3 (cancer antigen exam), pap smear, ThinPrep, biopsy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, HPV vaccine, chest x-rays, CA125 (prostate test), testicular ultrasound, thermography and colonoscopy.  

Gallatin submitted six fraudulent claims to AFLAC, for chest x-rays between August 2018 to December 2019. Gallatin claimed these procedures were performed for her dependents by medical provider offices in Bakersfield, when in fact it was discovered those services were never provided. Four of the claims were for her dependent children and two of the claims were for her spouse, who was not a covered member of the policy. 

Gallatin is scheduled to be arraigned on October 27, 2020. The Kern County District Attorney’s Office is prosecuting this case.

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Led by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, the California Department of Insurance is the consumer protection agency for the nation's largest insurance marketplace and safeguards all of the state’s consumers by fairly regulating the insurance industry. Under the Commissioner’s direction, the Department uses its authority to protect Californians from insurance rates that are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory, oversee insurer solvency to pay claims, set standards for agents and broker licensing, perform market conduct reviews of insurance companies, resolve consumer complaints, and investigate and prosecute insurance fraud. Consumers are urged to call 1-800-927-4357 with any questions or contact us at via webform or online chat. Non-media inquiries should be directed to the Consumer Hotline at 800-927-4357. Teletypewriter (TTY), please dial 800-482-4833.