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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

COIN CDFI Certification Program

About the Program

CDFIs are mission-driven community organizations, separate from government control, dedicated to providing financial products and services to low-income communities underserved by traditional financial markets.

Here are the minimum criteria an organization must meet to apply for certification:

  1. Is a private financial institution
  2. Is located in California
  3. Has community development as its primary mission
  4. Lends or invests in urban, rural, or reservation-based communities within California 

How to Apply

Organizations that meet the minimum criteria are encouraged to apply for certification through the COIN Program.

Here are the steps to apply:

  1. Contact COIN at with your personal contact information (bio) in order for COIN representatives to add you to the Impact Investment Marketplace contact list. COIN will then send you a link to finish your account setup
  2. Click the link per the email from COIN and complete your account setup
  3. Complete the COIN CDFI Certification Application on the Impact Investment Marketplace