CA EQ EXP - Data Year 2020
For the Data Year 2020
The California Earthquake Premium, Exposures and Policy Count Data Call will be due on March 15, 2021.
This report is authorized by California Insurance Code (CIC) Section 10089.13(a). The data (in aggregate form) will be provided to the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) in order to fulfill their annual reporting obligations under the same Code. The California Insurance Commissioner is a board member of the CEA per CIC Section 10089.7(a).
Who is Required to Report?
- All California licensed property & casualty companies are required to submit their experience data in 2020 (if any) in the Data Collection Workbook (Excel) and complete the Signature Page (PDF) if they write these types of property coverage business: fire, homeowners multiple peril, commercial multiple peril (non-liability), and/or earthquake.
- If your company does not have any experience in the lines of business mentioned above for the year 2020, the reporting requirement is satisfied by indicating so on the Signature Page.
- Penalties for Non-Compliance: Companies that fail to submit the Signature Page and the Data Collection Workbook (if applicable) by the requested due date will be considered in non-compliance with CIC Section 700(c) and will be referred to the Department's Legal Division for further action.
Reporting Procedure
Step 1: Determine whether your company has any data to report. If "no data", please download the Signature Page, fill it out, and have it signed and saved/scanned to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, and e-mail it to:
Step 2: If your company has data to report, download both the EQ-EXP 2020 Data Collection Workbook and the Signature Page from below. Please complete the downloaded Workbook, and e-mail along with the signed Signature Page to: We no longer require companies to print out the report forms. If you experience any issues downloading the files, please contact my staff at (213) 346-6348.
Step 3: If you are not able to scan the Signature Page to a PDF file format, you may mail it to:
California Department of Insurance
Rate Specialist Bureau - 11th Floor
300 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
- Cover Letter (PDF)
- Signature Page (PDF)
- Data Collection Workbook (Excel)
- Workbook Instruction (PDF)
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