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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

Disclosure of Iran-Related Investments

TO: California Domestic Insurers and Interested Parties

SUBJECT: Disclosure of Iran-Related Investments

Pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 1241.2, on or before June 30, 2013, and annually thereafter, every domestic insurer shall determine what investments it has in companies included on the Department of General Services ("DGS") list pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 2203(b).  The insurer shall provide the California Department of Insurance ("CDI") a list of investments the insurer has in companies included on the DGS list, including, but not limited to, the issuer, by name, of the stock, bonds, securities, and other evidence of indebtedness.  Please be aware that investments in companies included on the DGS list shall be treated as nonadmitted assets.

For your convenience, the Disclosure of Iran-Related Investments form and the DGS List are being made available on the CDI website. All filings, unless otherwise noted, must be submitted using the Online Assistance System for Insurer Submittals ("OASIS").

For inquiries, please contact:

CA Department of Insurance FSB Records
Phone: (213) 346-6423


Deputy Insurance Commissioner
Financial Surveillance Branch