Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers
Filing Instructions for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer
The following applications and materials are based on section 922.425 of the California Insurance Code.
A reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer must submit its application electronically to the California Department of Insurance at The filing deposit must be mailed to the California Department of Insurance at the following address:
California Department of Insurance
Corporate Affairs Bureau
1901 Harrison Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
An application consists of a completed checklist and all of the necessary corresponding exhibits.
Full Application
A Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer requesting California to act as its “Lead State” for NAIC Reinsurance Financial Analysis (E) Working Group (ReFAWG) and passporting purposes should file a full application. This means completing Section I on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers, and filing all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
Passport Application
A Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer who has established its Lead State with an NAIC accredited jurisdiction other than California, with an initial application has been reviewed by ReFAWG, and would like its reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status recognized in California, should file a passport application. This means completing Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers, and filing all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
Please do not submit passport applications if the Lead State approval has not yet been received.
Corresponding Exhibit Forms
Maintaining Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Status
Pursuant to section 922.425 of the California Insurance Code, the Commissioner requests a reinsurer to file specific information annually to maintain reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status.
Annual renewal applications must be submitted electronically to the California Department of Insurance at The filing deposit must be mailed to the California Department of Insurance at the following address:
California Department of Insurance
Corporate Affairs Bureau
1901 Harrison Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Annual Renewal Application
Applicants that filed a full application in California, meaning that California is the Lead State, should complete Section I on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers annually, and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
All required documents must be filed no later than June 30.
Annual Passport Application
Applicants that have passported into California should complete Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers annually, and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
All required documents must be filed no later than December 1.
Please do not submit passport renewal applications if the Lead State approval has not yet been received.
Additional Resources