Withdrawal from California as an Insurer
The California Department of Insurance's requirements for withdrawal as an insurer from California are set forth in California Insurance Code §§1070-1076.
- Application to Withdraw from California as an Insurer
- Insurer Withdrawal Checklist
- Insurer Withdrawal Commitment - Tax Returns
- Insurer Withdrawal Commitment - Annual Statements
- Assuming Insurer Commitment to File Annual Statements
The documents should be completed thoroughly, duly executed by a corporate officer over the corporate seal and submitted electronically to CAB-SF-Intake@insurance.ca.gov.
Please submit the filing fee to the following address:
California Department of Insurance
Corporate Affairs Bureau
1901 Harrison Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
See "Withdrawal of Certificate of Authority Holder" fee category on the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Upon receipt of the proper documents and filing fee in connection with your company's withdrawal application, we will give this matter due consideration.