Certificate of Authority Section IV - Item #7
Fingerprint Instructions
All officers, directors, key managerial personnel and individuals with a 10 percent or more beneficial ownership in the applicant and the applicant's ultimate controlling parent will need to be fingerprinted (CIC §704.5 and California Penal Code §11100-11112). The fingerprints will be examined in connection with a criminal history record check by California and federal agencies.
This document is available electronically. In the past, applicants submitted fingerprint cards with impressions directly to the Commissioner for processing. However, as of January 1, 2004, the Commissioner no longer accepts fingerprint cards directly. Instead, fingerprints must be taken at either a live-scan vendor or by a local law enforcement agency on a card that is to be sent to Accurate Biometrics. The following options are available for fingerprint processing.
Submit a live-scan fingerprint through a live-scan vendor. Electronic fingerprints may be submitted through the vendor of your choice. However, for California residents the vendor must be able to transmit the prints electronically to the California Department of Justice.
This service may also be obtained at most law enforcement agencies. To obtain the location of live-scan fingerprinting services available in California, you may go to the Attorney General Live Scan Locations page. Mobile services to your site may also be available.
The California Department of Insurance also has arrangements with Accurate Biometrics to provide electronic fingerprinting services. You may review a list of fingerprinting locations by contacting their website at Accurate Biometrics or you may call (866) 361-9944 to set up an appointment.
Individuals residing outside California, should contact their local law enforcement agency about state-approved live-scan fingerprinting services. The live-scan form BCIA 8016-CIU must be printed and taken to the vendor or local law enforcement at the time of the fingerprint appointment. Complete instructions and the Accurate Biometrics payment form can be found at LIC-051 CIU.
The cost of the live-scan service will include the FBI processing fee of $17, the DOJ processing fee of $32, and an additional "rolling fee" charged by the DOJ authorized vendor. The additional "rolling fee" will vary depending on the vendor and is noted on the Attorney General's Live Scan Locations page.
The fingerprint card along with a Accurate Biometrics Credit Card Authorization form or a check in the amount of $75.00 made payable to Accurate Biometrics, the vendor processing the fingerprints, must be mailed directly to:
Accurate Biometrics
6080 Center Drive, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90045