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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

Certificate of Authority Section IV - Item #33

Reinsurance Arrangements

The summary of the applicant's reinsurance arrangements should specify the point at which risks are ceded, and note all layers of reinsurance included in the applicant's reinsurance program.

In addition to a summary of the applicant's reinsurance program, the applicant will need to provide the full contract wording of each major reinsurance agreement.* A completed Treaty Summary Form and checklist (proportional or non-proportional, whichever applies) should accompany each reinsurance agreement submitted.

Please feel free to duplicate the form and checklists as needed.

*Note: A "major reinsurance agreement" should consist of quota share agreements having the two highest percentages of the quota share arrangements, a pooling agreement (if the applicant is a participant in the Inter-company pooling agreement), some excess layer agreements, catastrophe contracts and sample facultative agreements, if applicable.


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