Lines of Insurance
License Information
Generally, the property broker-agent license allows authority to transact insurance coverage on the direct or consequential loss or damage to property of every kind. The list below contains a sample of some of the insurance products that can be transacted with this license.
- Business owner's Policy (BOP) covers small and medium sized businesses. Business owner's policies basically consist of integrated property coverage, general liability coverage and some additional types of coverage that most businesses require. Optional coverages can also be added to meet specific needs of the business. Auto and worker's compensation are generally excluded.
- Commercial Multiple Peril is a package insurance policy that provides both liability and property coverage for businesses and other organizations.
- Commercial Property Coverage applies to real property (such as buildings, factories and warehouses) and business personal property (furniture, fixtures and inventory). It commonly provides time element coverages such as loss of income.
- Crop Insurance is coverage for crops in the event of loss or damage by insured perils including hail, fire, and lightning. Prior to the passage of the Federal Crop Insurance Act in 1938 it was virtually impossible to obtain insurance protection against crop damage. Today coverage is available from the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation as well as from private sources. Exclusions from coverage include the perils of war and nuclear disaster.
- Dwelling Property is coverage for property damage to a personal dwelling. This will include at least coverage for fire and lightning but can be enhanced to include additional property coverages such as water damage, smoke, and theft. It differs from a homeowner's policy in that liability must be added by endorsement.
- Earthquake Insurance is a form of property insurance that pays the policyholder in the event of an earthquake that causes damage to the property. Most homeowners' and dwelling fire insurance policies do not include earthquake damage.
- Equipment Breakdown Insurance is insurance commonly referred to as boiler and machinery insurance, covers the costly physical and financial damage that can result from an equipment breakdown. Equipment Breakdown insurance can pay for: direct property loss (the cost to repair or replace damaged equipment); lost business income and costs for temporary replacement equipment; other expenses incurred to limit the loss or speed restoration of operations; loss value of spoiled products or materials; and business recovery expense.
- Flood Insurance is insurance that compensates for property damage arising from flooding. The federal government is the primary writer of the coverage which offers the coverage in federally designated flood areas. Flood coverage is excluded on most homeowners and dwelling fire policies.
- Homeowners Insurance is a combination of both property and casualty coverages arising out of the ownership of a home. Coverage includes damage to the home, its contents, additional living expenses, and for the insureds personal liability. The homeowners' coverage can be used in different formats to insure mobile homes and farms if owned by an individual.
- Inland Marine Insurance is a broad category of property insurance generally covering loss to movable property or unusual risks. In personal lines, inland marine includes coverage for personal effects like jewelry, fine art, sports or musical equipment. Inland Marine coverage in commercial lines can include but is not limited to Equipment Floaters, Builders Risk, Jewelers Block and Difference in Condition policies.
- Loss of Use Coverage pays additional housing and living expenses if the insured must move out of the covered home temporarily while it's being restore.
- Livestock Coverage is designated for horses and other farm animals if they are damaged or destroyed. The insurance includes registered cattle and herds, other farm livestock, and zoo animals. This type of insurance protects the farmer or rancher against the premature death of animals resulting from natural causes, fire, lightning, accidents, and acts of God, acts of individuals other than the owner or employees, and destruction for humane purposes.
- Other structures coverage. Pays for damages to detached structures like garages, sheds, fences and cottages on the covered property.
- Personal Lines are property/casualty insurance products that are designed for and bought by individuals, including homeowners and automobile policies. Personal Lines is also offered as a license through the California Department of Insurance.