After The Fires
Tips To Avoid Being Victimized
- Many insurance policies provide for living expenses in cases of emergency. Your insurance company and agent can help make sure the money arrives promptly. ″
- Don't sign any contracts for repairs or other needs until you have spoken directly to your insurance company representative or agent.″
- Demand to see identification from anyone contacting you regarding your claim.″
- There are two types of insurance adjusters:
- Private insurance adjusters, representing insurance companies such as Farmers, State Farm, or AAA.
- Public adjusters, who represent insurance claimants.
- Insurance company adjusters are employed by insurance companies. They do not charge a fee.″
- Public adjusters work for and represent insurance claimants. They do charge a fee. Generally, the fee is a percentage of your entire insurance settlement amount.″
- Public adjusters cannot solicit your business:
- While the loss is underway
- Between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 a.m.
- For seven calendar days after the disaster″
- Ask to see the California adjuster's license and note the license number and full name. Do not rely upon a business card.″
- If you are unsure, call the Department of Insurance Help Line AT 1-800-927-HELP.″
- A public adjuster contract can be canceled by you within 72 hours of signing.″
- It is illegal for a public adjuster to advance money as an inducement to sign a contract. ″
- Public adjusters may not offer referral fees in excess of $100. ″
- Public adjusters may not have an interest in any contractor, demolition company, or any entity making repairs to your property.″
- Public adjusters may not use a badge as identification.″
- Beware of anyone attempting to rush you into signing a contract.″
- Beware of any contractor attempting to have you sign a contract or begin demolition and clean-up.″
- Beware of any attorney urging you to sign any documents.
Additional Contact Information
Federal Emergency Management Agency: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or
Contractors State License:1-800-321-CSLB (2752) or
National Insurance Crime Bureau: 1-888-815-9064 or