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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

Exhibit D - Description of Department Functions Applicable to Proposition 103

The Rate Regulation Branch consists of five Rate Filing Bureaus, the Rate Actuary Office, the Rate Specialist Unit, the Special Projects Unit, and the Deputy Office. Most of the branch's work relates to Proposition 103 rate filings.

The Consumer Services and Market Conduct Branch consists of the Consumer Services Division, the Market Conduct Division, the respective Division Offices, the Consumer Law Unit, and the Deputy Office. The Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau within the Consumer Services Division conducts inquiries into individual consumer complaints related to industry rating and underwriting practices. The Consumer Communications Bureau within the Consumer Services Division staffs the Department's toll-free Consumer Hotline which provides information to the public on all insurance matters and assists consumers in resolving insurance related problems. The Field Rating and Underwriting Bureau within the Market Conduct Division conducts field examinations of industry rating and underwriting practices. The Consumer Law Unit provides legal services to the Consumer Services and Market Conduct Branch.

The Legal Branch has six bureaus and the Deputy Office that have workload related to Proposition 103. Approximately 70% of the Rate Enforcement Bureau is dedicated to Proposition 103 activities. The remaining five legal bureaus participate in limited Proposition 103 legal matters. The Deputy Office develops and implements procedures by which the Department may award advocate fees to participating intervenors who make a substantial contribution to hearing decisions.

The Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch currently has three bureaus and the Deputy Office that have workload related to Proposition 103. The Administrative Hearing Bureau's law judges preside over the rate hearings mandated by the provisions of Proposition 103.

The Community Programs and Policy Initiatives Branch currently has two entities that perform Proposition 103 related activities: Special Projects Division and Statistical Analysis Division. The Statistical Analysis Division studies and compares auto rates and maintains vital information from rate filings. The time and related costs of these divisions that are not directly charged to specific program activities are allocated as part of indirect service costs.

The Executive Office's time and related costs that are not directly charged to specific program activities are allocated as part of department-wide service costs.

The Office of Communications has limited direct charges for Proposition 103.

The Administration and Licensing Services Branch has three entities that perform Proposition 103 related activities: Human Resources, Information Technology, and Financial Management, which includes Accounting Services, Administrative Systems, Business Management, and Budget & Revenue Management. The time and related costs of these bureaus/units are not directly charged to specific program activities and are allocated as part of department-wide service costs.

Department-wide service costs also include the Department's share of statewide support services, rent, communications, and other operating expenses not directly assigned. To the extent practical, operating expenses that can be identified as Proposition 103 are directly assigned to the Proposition 103 program costs. Remaining costs that cannot be directly assigned are allocated and distributed to all departmental program activities including Proposition 103, fraud, examinations, and other regulatory activities by the California State Accounting and Reporting System.

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