Automobile Insurance

26 If You Have a High-Risk Driving Record The California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP) If you have had several accidents or speeding tickets, you may not be able to find a standard company that will insure you. If you shop around, be sure to compare costs and coverage carefully. You can also get liability insurance through the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP). • The program assigns you to an insurance company. All insurance companies that are licensed to sell auto insurance in California must accept CAARP. • All the companies in the CAARP program must charge the same premiums. You can pay in installments. • After a certain number of years, your traffic violation or accident may be removed from your record. At this time, you may be able to buy a standard policy. • There is no broker’s fee if you buy a CAARP policy. • For more information, call CAARP at 1-800-622-0954.