Health Insurance

18 Types of Health Insurance Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) For more information on comparing PPOs, HMOs, and EPOs see pages 21–22. Which doctors, hospitals, and other providers can I use? You can see “preferred” providers or “out-of-network” providers. • A PPO has a network of preferred providers. You pay less if you see these providers. These providers have contracts with the PPO to provide care at certain rates. • If you go to a doctor or hospital that is not on the preferred provider list, you pay more. This is called going out-of- network. The plan pays less or nothing at all. What are my costs if I have a PPO? Costs can vary a lot, depending on the providers you see. If you stay in the PPO’s preferred provider network, your costs are less. If you decide to see a doctor outside the PPO network, you pay much more. Before you see out-of-network providers check with your PPO to find out what is covered. Where can I go if I have a problem? If you have a PPO, call the California Department of Insurance for assistance at 1-800-927-4357.