Don't Get Burned January 2019

2 Don’t Get Burned by a Scam Artist A disaster leaves more than torn shingles and uprooted lives in its wake. The winds also can blow in armies of fly-by-night contractors and door-to-door scam artists eager to capitalize on the misfortunes of innocent people. After a loss has occurred, you will be facing many problems you probably have not confronted before. It may be helpful to keep the following in mind: • Contact your insurance company immediately to report your loss. Follow the instructions given to you by claims personnel. Ask questions if you do not understand your adjuster’s instructions. Since there may be a lot of people needing help at the same time, anything you have done before the disaster to prepare for a loss will be to your benefit now. From the beginning, keep copies of your documents and a log of the namesof thepeopleyouspeakwithalongwithdates, times, anda summary of the pertinent points of each conversation. ......... • Act prudently to prevent further loss to your property. Insurance policies may not cover ensuing damage to your property if you have not taken reasonable steps to protect against subsequent property damage. • Take pictures documenting damages. • Do not rush into repairs or rebuilding without first considering all your alternatives. Before choosing a contractor, make sure the contractor is licensed by contacting the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) in your area. Call the CSLB toll free at 1-800-321- 2752 to check a contractor’s license or get further information on home and property repairs, or log onto the internet and acces their web site at for further information.